SaaS success story
A thorough frontend and backend implementation of a modern software company website – fast growing, flawlessly editable, and easy to manage without the support of devs.
About iteo
iteo is an international technology consultancy & software engineering company, founded in Poland that offers business, technical and creative services to deliver digital products and experiences at scale. Having their hands full with external projects, the team needed our help with refreshing their website.
The goal was to make it highly modern and aligned with current trends, as well as easily editable for the HR and marketing teams, increasing their independence from devs.

800 working hours from the project’s launch till its final release
development phase
June 2021 – March 2022
mvp release
October 2021
deployment & support
March 2022 – till now

Project’s scope
The goal of our cooperation with iteo was a thorough refresh of the company’s website, making it clear, well organized and easily editable. Apart from changing the whole design, the focus laid strongly on the content part – it was supposed to be fully controllable by the iteo marketing team without the in-hand help of the developers.
Additionally, the website needed to be flexible and expandable, offering convenient tools for marketing campaigns and employer branding activities.

Challenges and solutions
Iterative manner of work
We applied an agile and iterative manner of work, having a common Slack channel, communicating on a regular basis, and meeting twice a week. The process engaged 20 people at its peak.
Blog migration
We seamlessly migrated more than a hundred blog posts from the previous page (headless WordPress CMS), transferring styles, assets, links, categories, tags and all the necessary elements that defined the content. At the same time, we created a new blog template as it’s the element of the site used regularly by the company’s content editors.
SEO friendly
We revised the sitemap and made proper divisions within CMS, organized the links essential for SEO, and adjusted the number of new technology subpages. They were all taken care of when it comes to SEO custom Open graph image, meta title, meta description, and internal SEO audit.
Ongoing support
We provided iteo with our constant post-launch support, being available on Slack and integrating it with a website uptime monitoring to make sure everything works as planned. We check the page’s backend once a week and update the tools. If needed, we prepare new custom features and respond to ongoing marketing campaigns, supporting them with the website’s functionality extension. Because the page is highly scalable, we can create custom pieces of layout and add them any time if necessary.

API Integration
iteo’s HR team had to be fully in control of the job offers displayed on the website, including intuitive content editing without developers help, as well as job offers categorization with the type and location division. We matched the CMS with tomHRM using API, staying in touch with the tomHRM team and thoroughly studying their documentation.
The connection was custom-made, created specifically for the iteo website and its contact forms, and the integration works two ways – the content can be edited live, simultaneously both in the CMS and tomHRM.
The process required robust tests and compaginating with tomHRM’s production environment, and the integration had to be done according to the safety procedures required by ISO and GDPR.

Business enhancement

Jerzy Kufel,
CEO & Founder
Fooz have extensive experience in building websites on the WordPress platform, so you can rely on their expertise in terms of technology implementation. They are planning their work with confidence - even with the client's tight schedule, the deadline was never at risk.
Read this review
The website comes with an endless field for creativity. It’s intuitive and pleasant to edit, making a great marketing tool for the team. By having our full support, the company can enhance it with fresh functionalities and constantly make it better looking and substantive.
iteo’s marketing team has been trained how to use the CMS to make the best use of its features. The site’s easy to develop and provides the users with endless possibilities in terms of the number of elements or looks – every piece can grow dynamically along with the organization and fulfill its operational goals.