
Wereldwijd bereik optimaliseren: Aparte domeinen voor inhoudsbeheer

Het bereik van content vergroten is absoluut cruciaal. Stelt u zich de ongelooflijke kans eens voor om in contact te komen met een wereldwijd publiek, ongeacht taal of locatie. Een zeer effectieve strategie om dit wereldwijde bereik te bereiken is het gebruik van verschillende domeinen. Dit artikel gaat in op de enorme kracht van het gebruik van verschillende domeinen om de internationale toegankelijkheid van je content aanzienlijk te verbeteren. Dus laten we er eens induiken en ontdekken hoe je wereldwijd de aandacht kunt trekken!

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Natalia Barańska

Marketing Specialist

Separate Domains for managing content

The success of a business often hinges on its ability to reach a global audience. As such, content management strategies can significantly influence a company’s international presence. One effective strategy to optimise global reach is using separate domains for different geographical or linguistic markets.

Who should use Separate Domains?

Separate domains are primarily intended for companies with local branches. By utilizing separate domains, companies can enhance their legitimacy and establish a stronger local presence among their target audience. This strategic approach fosters trust and bolsters credibility within each region, ultimately resulting in more robust customer relationships. Separate domains are more suited when having distinct nation-targeting goals or strong branding concerns.

WPML: A tool for Multilingual Separate Domains

At Fooz, we use WPML for translations, which offers the creation of language versions independent of each other, and these versions are set as a separate directory in the domain. What is more, if we need to place a language version on two independent domains, we are also able to do so. Imagine a scenario without this streamlined approach – it would entail setting up two disparate WordPress instances, duplicating content, and managing changes separately. Instead, we deploy a single WordPress instance with WPML, neatly segregating domains on both the server and WPML settings. This allows seamless switching between pages across different domains using a language switcher.

The core benefit? While navigating different domains, content and language remain distinct. WPML facilitates comprehensive post translations within the WordPress panel itself. Our Fooz Live Translate Plugin further streamlines foreign language content creation, all within a unified WordPress environment. It’s not just one WordPress or two cloned versions—it’s a singular WordPress panel orchestrating multiple domains seamlessly.

Examples of Separate Domains

Webankieta – Startquestion

Same components done on two independent language versions created under two separate domains – and

TravelTalks by eSky

eSky has nine different versions that do not overload WordPress. Thanks to the fact that we can make predefined roles for users and restrict permissions to edit only one language, up to 9 content editors can work on such a WordPress. It is consistent, and the only thing that changes is the content.

Benefits of having Separate Domains

Business Identity with Local Appeal

From a business standpoint, leveraging separate domains enables unique brand identities tailored to a global audience. We can adapt brand names to resonate more profoundly across diverse markets. Each domain signifies a dedicated brand presence, reinforced by tailored content sans language switchers. This approach fosters a stronger connection between the audience and the brand, elevating the perception of local identity.

SEO Benefits

Country code top level domains (ccTLD) are an addition to the SEO strategy and the most effective methods for informing Google about the target area for the content. This can provide geotargeting and SEO that is country-specific. Employing separate domains facilitates targeted optimisation with local keywords, which boosts the ranking in regional searches. Additionally, a dedicated domain can draw in more backlinks from relevant domains, indicating to search engines the authority and importance of the content within that particular region.

Conversion Benefits

Using separate domains allows customer experiences to be customised to target specific consumer groups on each domain, increasing the conversion rate. Content that is localised or in the user’s native tongue makes them feel more engaged, which increases conversion rates. In addition, creating content that corresponds to the cultural tastes of the local audience increases audience resonance and builds trust.


This strategy not only helps to establish a relationship with the audience but it also shows the commitment to learning about and meeting their particular requirements and preferences. Technically speaking, distinct domains help with SEO by supporting local search engine ranks, allowing for customised keyword optimisation, and reducing duplicate content issues.

This tactic satisfies the changing demands of a worldwide audience while informing search engines of the authority and importance of the content in certain areas, which promotes long-term success and development.

Separate Domains solutions by Fooz

It’s crucial to remember that separate domains are just one piece of the puzzle in content management. A comprehensive strategy should include SEO optimisation, audience research, consistent branding, and high-quality content to optimise global reach.
Investing in separate domains tailored to different target markets could be a game-changer if the aim is to maximise global reach.
We at Fooz are ready to revolutionise your content strategy. Get in touch with us right now, and together, we’ll develop an SEO-optimized global content strategy through separate domains.