
Je inhoud toegankelijker maken voor gebruikers – Mega Menu gebruiken

Stel je een tool voor die moeiteloos de presentatie van je content verandert, zodat deze boeiender en toegankelijker wordt zonder dat je publiek er last van heeft. Dat is waar Mega Menu’s om de hoek komen kijken en een praktische oplossing bieden die elke content marketeer in zijn gereedschapskist zou moeten hebben. In dit artikel verkennen we de mogelijkheden van Mega Menu’s en hoe ze je contentmarketingplan kunnen verbeteren.

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Natalia Barańska

Marketing Specialist

What is a Mega Menu?

First things first, what exactly is a Mega Menu? A Mega Menu is a type of menu that goes beyond the traditional navigation bar. It’s a content-rich navigation system designed to make the user’s journey through your website smoother and more intuitive. A Mega Menu is a game-changer in the world of website navigation. It takes your user’s browsing experience to a whole new level, offering a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

Mega Menu at is a perfect example of organizing and presenting all resources in one place with addition of videos, pinned articles and podcast.

Purposes of Mega Menu

Now that you’re familiar with the concept, you may be wondering whether it’s the perfect match for your website. Mega Menus prove to be particularly advantageous for large sites that boast a wealth of content, often organized into diverse themes or topics. These menus serve multiple crucial purposes, as detailed below:

#1 Enhancing User Experience and Content Accessibility

Mega Menus primarily aim to improve the user experience (UX) and facilitate content accessibility. They tackle the challenge of overloaded websites, eliminating the need for poor-quality search engines. By avoiding the problem of cramming content into a standard menu structure, Mega Menus provide more UX space for you to present your content effectively.

In a Mega Menu, links can be highlighted with pictograms, colors, badges, and descriptions, providing more than simple hyperlinks. This allows you to enrich the content presentation, making it visually appealing and engaging.

What is more, Mega Menus allows you to utilize more of the page viewport to display your menu, taking advantage of the available screen.

In this Mega Menu, each product has its own unique icon, making it more engaging and organized.

#2 Boosting Conversions and Guiding User Paths

The menu is typically the starting point from which users explore a website’s content. Mega Menus are strategically positioned to guide users by suggesting where to go and what content to explore. This means you control the user’s journey right from the get-go.

You can strategically pack the most converting articles, case studies and even showcase client logos, creating an immediate impression of trustworthiness and expertise.
Mega Menus are also fantastic tools for experimentation. You can adjust and promote new features or products, enhancing your website’s conversion potential.

Notably, the WordPress-based Mega Menu offers complete editability. Substitutions in a traditional mega menu might go unnoticed by users, but with Mega Menus, you have the freedom to act, edit content, and display the most relevant information at any given moment.

In Asana, the mega menu in the solutions tab is divided into teams to make it easier to find what you need.

#3 Streamlining Content Architecture

Another vital role of Mega Menus is streamlining content architecture. When you have a substantial amount of content, organizing it into categories or collections is a must. Mega Menus excels in this department.

For example, you can gather various services in one place, making it easier for users to explore your offerings. Content can be neatly grouped and listed in a logical manner. And the best part? A well-implemented Mega Menu doesn’t pose any problems for mobile users, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.

Should Your Website Use a Mega Menu?

Now that you’re intrigued by the potential of Mega Menus, you might wonder if they’re suitable for your website. Mega Menus are incredibly versatile and can benefit a wide range of websites, including:

#1 E-commerce Sites

If you’re selling products, Mega Menus can simplify the shopping process. You can categorize products, showcase deals, and guide users to their desired items effortlessly.

#2 Blogs and News Sites

Content-heavy websites can greatly benefit from Mega Menus. You can categorize articles, display popular posts, and offer a user-friendly navigation experience.

#3 Corporate and SaaS Websites

For businesses with diverse offerings, Mega Menus can help users explore services, resources, and company information with ease.

#4 Educational Platforms

Learning platforms can utilize Mega Menus to categorize courses, highlight featured content, and guide to learning materials.


When it comes to content marketing, it’s not just about creating awesome content; it’s also about presenting it in a way that grabs your audience’s attention. That’s where Mega Menus come in. They’re a powerful solution that can enhance user experience, make content easier to find, and create a visually appealing navigation system.

So, should your website use a Mega Menu? Absolutely! It doesn’t matter if you’re running an online store, a blog, a corporate site, or an educational platform – Mega Menus can simplify navigation and keep your users hooked. As you start implementing Mega Menus, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you prioritize your content. After all, that’s what your audience is here for. Second, maintain a consistent visual style throughout your menu. It helps create a cohesive and professional look. Third, don’t forget about mobile responsiveness. Your menu should look great on any device. Fourth, accessibility is key. Make sure everyone can easily navigate your site, regardless of any disabilities they may have. And finally, consider A/B testing to fine-tune your menu’s effectiveness. It’s a great way to optimize your user experience.

In the end, Mega Menus are the tools that can take your content management to the next level and provide an exceptional user experience on your website.