
De voordelen van Gated Content ontsluiten: Een gids met best practices

Als contentmarketeer is een van je belangrijkste doelen het creëren van boeiende content die de aandacht van je publiek trekt en hen overtuigt om te converteren. Een tactiek die je hierbij kan helpen is gated content – een functie waarbij gebruikers bepaalde informatie moeten verstrekken in ruil voor toegang tot een waardevolle bron, zoals een eBook of een webinar. Gated content wordt steeds populairder onder marketeers, maar wat is het precies en hoe kun je er het meeste uit halen? In deze blogpost verkennen we best practices voor gated content om je te helpen leads en conversies te genereren.

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Natalia Barańska

Marketing Specialist

What is Gated Content?

Gated content refers to any content that requires users to provide their information (such as name, email, or job title) before they can access it. This type of content is usually more valuable than regular content, as it provides users with insights or knowledge they cannot find elsewhere. Common types of gated content include eBooks, whitepapers, webinars, case studies, and reports. Gated content can help you generate leads, build your email list, and gain insights into your audience’s preferences.

The Benefits of Gated Content

Lead Generation

Gated content serves as a powerful lead finder tool, allowing businesses to collect valuable user information that can be used for targeted marketing efforts and sales outreach.

Audience Segmentation

By gathering user data through gated content, businesses can segment their audience based on interests, preferences, and engagement levels, enabling personalized communication and content delivery.

Establishing Authority

Providing valuable content exclusively to registered users establishes a brand as an industry authority, drawing in individuals who are actively seeking comprehensive insights or solutions to specific challenges. By offering valuable content exclusively to registered users, brands can create a sense of community and loyalty among their audience. This approach not only encourages users to actively engage with the brand but also fosters a deeper connection with the content being provided. 

Nurturing Relationships

Gated content fosters a relationship of mutuality; users willingly provide their information in exchange for valuable resources, creating a foundation for ongoing engagement.

Best Practices for Gated Content

To create effective gated content, it’s important to follow some best practices:

Offer valuable content

Make sure the content you’re gating is truly valuable and relevant to your target audience. This will increase the chances of users providing their information to access it.

Optimize your forms

Keep your forms simple and only ask for information that you really need. A long and complicated signup form can deter users from accessing your content.

Promote your content

Use various channels to promote your gated content and make it easily accessible to your target audience. This can include social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Analyze your results

Keep track of your gated content performance by analyzing your data. This will help you identify areas that need improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Transparent Communication

Clearly communicate the value proposition of the gated content. Explain what users will gain and how it will benefit them, encouraging them to willingly provide their information.

Optimized Landing Pages

Design intuitive and compelling landing pages that highlight the value of the content and include a clear and concise form for users to fill out to access it.

The landing page leading to gated content about the e-book is an example of a successful use of this feature.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

While gated content can be a highly effective tactic, there are some common mistakes that can undermine its success. Some of these include:


Avoid gating everything, as this can turn off your users and lead to low conversion rates.

Poorly designed forms

Make sure your forms are user-friendly and easy to understand. Poorly designed forms can lead to a high bounce rate.

Misaligned content

Ensure that the content you’re gating is relevant to the interests of your target audience. Misaligned content can lead to low engagement and high bounce rates.


Gated content can be a valuable tool for your content marketing strategy, helping you generate leads, build your email list, and position yourself as a thought leader. You can create effective gated content that drives results by focusing on best practices such as offering valuable content, optimizing your forms, promoting your content, and analyzing your results. Remember to avoid common mistakes, such as overgating, poorly designed forms, and misaligned content, to ensure a positive user experience and high conversion rates.